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Magic jewelry


SPELL, more than a piece of jewelry


Our ancestors used various charms and spells to manifest a lover, bride or groom.

In today's world, this skill of casting spells is once again necessary. ​

Mai Niemi revives these ancient traditions of magic in a modern way. ​

LOITSU jewelry are modern wearable love spells and also prosperity spells in the form of jewelry.


SAMPO WEALTH LUCK is a magic mill of wealth and abundance, which when used with love brings about growth and happiness.

MARRIAGE LUCK activates a harmonious relationship and balances masculine and feminine energies.

LOVE CATCHER is a powerful love spell that raises and attracts love and activates a relationship.

LOVE LUCK activates love, brings happiness to love games and helps to live from the heart.

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Love lifting is a special culture of Finnish folk poetry. Women sought the man they wanted by magic. "So let my love fly, so let my door step, so let my honor be heard, like this Spell in the air." ​ Old Poem: Arise, O love, hover around me. Flourish and be heard through seven parishes and eight cities. Here's a beauty unseen, a gorgeous maiden unbetrothed, a rosy maiden not led away, a famous daughter unknown: She was not wedded in the wedding year, not betrothed in the suitor's year, last summer she was not taken away. Hello! Love, wake up! O love, rise up without lifting my cords, without being drawn with a tar rope, to turn men's notions, to transform their thoughts, to set their hearts on fire, so that their hearts may flicker like a flame, sparkle like a spark, and not cease by night and not be extinguished by day. ​

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