A New Nokia
The new Nokia? The other day I was listening to another application of IT technology, the launch of a new communicator. Communication is...
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Mai Niemi Theme Wedding
Mai Niemi teemahäämuoti 2012 Designit saatavilla Shopissa Mai Niemi Theme Wedding 2012 collection Designs awailable in...
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Mai Niemi at Eunique
Eunique Bulletin Mai Niemi – Fashion with Nordic flair For Mai Niemi, 2012 is a very special year. She has now been designing Finnish...
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Body Fengshui concept
Fashion for the multidimensional world and body Classification Body Fengshui – Balancing the body space Energizing fashion – empowerment...
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Kehofengshui- konsepti
Moniulotteinen muoti Konsepti ja jaottelu Kehofengshui on kehon tilan havainnointia, tasapainottamista ja johtamista Energisoiva...
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Muodin Fengshui - Terve vaate
Pukeutuminen avaa yhteyden omaan kehoosi ja maailmaan Pukeutuminen on osa hyvinvointiamme ja terve vaate on perustarpeemme. Olemme...
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Fashion Fengshui - Healthy fashion
Body Fengshui ® Fashion is part of the well-being and healthy clothes are our basic need We have created a modern milieu in which we feel...
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Neulottu Kalevala
Rakkaus Kalevalaan syttyi samaan aikaan kuin rakkaus Suomeen. Opiskeluaikana Lontoossa sain käsiini englanninkielisen Kalevalan, joka...
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Knitted Kalevala
The Knitted Finnish Kalevala The love for Kalevala was initiated at the same time as my love for Finland. While studying in London I got...
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Muodin henki
Ostin äskettäin Jerusalemin basaarista Aladdinin taikalampun ja maton...ja mielikuvitukseni lähti lentoon... Miten ihmeessä...
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