Conscious fashion and holistic clothing -lecture by Mai Niemi in Minä Olen fair Helsinki 2017
FINLANDIA house, Tähtisali, 2 nd floor, Saturday 11the February 2017
at 1 pm
Imagine a garment that promotes your wellbeing, spiritual growth and Self Love, nurtures, empowers, expands your consciousness, activates the DNA codes, communicates with your body consciouness, is a tool for creative self expression, connects to nature, the Inner Child, the Universe, the roots, Mother Earth, Divine Feminine and guides and paves the way to the Golden age ... such a garment excists. Come and listen more about The Galactic age fashion: What it is, where it comes from and why it is here?
How can clothing maintain and raise the body´s vibrational frequency? Why and how should we be aware of all that affects our body space? What enhances wellbeing and authenticity ? What effects our fashion choices have to our body and our environment? How to communicate with fashion? Come to get tips for body conscious and holistic clothing!
"If you want to discover the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla