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Collection inspired by Le Belle Epoque


This collection made in 2015 was inpired by the age of beauty and of the artists that were creating it. My source of inspiration and main work mates with this were Russian Nikolai Roerich who created the scenes for The Rite of Spring ballet, his wife Helena who devoted her life to the Mother Flame, Nijinsky and Diagalev, my great loves, Stravinksy the composer and Chanel his muse.

Also thanks to Akseli Gallen- Kallela, the Finnish painter, who was a friend of Roerichs who for few years lived in Finland and were utterly inspired by the Finnish myhtolgy and Kalevala, the national epic. Nikolai got his inspiration for the costumes of The Rite of Spring from the Finnish and finno-ugric folklore.

I sensed their presence through this project and also still the inluence of another Russian great spirit of today, Anastasia. During the project I was guided to travel to St.Petersburg to connect to my life in Paris at that time when I was working as a contemporary assistant costume and scene designer with this team.

This collection was something I was guided to create with these great artists maybe as a rembrance of our time together in that glorious era of vivid beauty, Le Belle Epoc.

While studying fashion in London, my favourite place was Victoria & Albert Museum, where I was studying this era ( around 1900-1920) of the work of Diaghilev. I drew scetches and pictures of Nijinsky! So I remebered something already then.

I have had also most amazing ballet experiences like Rudol Nurejev and Natalia Makarova having danced for me in Paris, been invited to Kirov ballet´s performance as honored guest in Royal Festival Hall in London, seen Barishnikov dance in Govent Garden....the ballet connection even in this lifetime!


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