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Finnish Gods and Goddessess

Finnish Mythology

We are starting a newsletter series about Finnish gods and goddesses. In these letters, you can learn more about Finnish mythology and about the key characters in it. We are introducing a couple of gods and goddesses per newsletter so you can really get to know them.

Finnish mythology is so old that it cannot be placed on any particular era or timeframe, but it has its roots in the ancient Hyboria, Terra Feminarum and Insula Amazonas mentioned by Greek historians (Grammaticus, Tacitus, Adam of Bremen) as the land of the eternal spring said to have situated in the far North by the Ice Sea. Finnish mythology is far older than the Norse whose Gods have their origin in the Finnish legends and Kalevala epic. Kalevala, the National epic of Karelia and Finland, was written in the 19th century. Before that, all the stories were orally told to one another for centuries. The Kalevala epic talks about the two worlds: North, Yin, which represents the hidden and mysterious feminine and matriarchy and Kalevala, yang, which represents the masculine and patriarchy. In this epic, you can learn about the old legends and stories about the ancient world of our ancestors. Kalevala tells us how the world was created, and you can learn about different heroes, gods, and spirits. Kalevala is full of wisdom which can be used in modern days too. Finnish mythology is in connection with Norse mythology. Jotunheim was the land of the giants and Finnish kings and Kvenland, the land of the queens where the Vikings travelled to seek for riches. The northern Europe chroniclers locate the so-called Kven amazon or the Terra Feminarum in the ancient region of Kainuu in Finland. Kainuu name is said to derive from the words Kvenland, Qwenland, Quenlandia, Cwen land and a woman meaning words Kvinna, kwen, qvens, queen. You can also read about Jotunheim from The old Mythologia Fennica. It tells stories about Finnish Kings like Fornjoter (jotun, joter, jätti =giant) of Jotnahem (Jotunheim, Kvenland), the land of Giants and other Norse gods. Mythologia Fennica also covers Sami mythology and folk poetry. The Finnish gods and goddesses are by no means outdated, but timeless and very much in presence in our everyday life. They have evolved during the centuries to their modern times. They are multilayered archetype Gods and half-gods that live with us forming a special Finnish Lifestyle. You can learn more about Finnish mythology and its origins from the link below:

Louhi - the Warrior goddess, Shamanic Queen of the North

She is the Mother Goddess, the wise matriarch inventor, master of transformation. She is an alchemist capable to transform herself into an eagle understanding that problems cannot be solved on the level they were created (Einstein). Her name Louhi refers to Lohikäärme which means Dragon. Louhi created Sampo, the Magic Mill of Wealth and abundance (Cornucopia) that ground wellbeing for all. But it fell into the possession of Patriarchy who wanted to own its riches themselves. After losing Sampo and two of her daughters, Louhi was furious and transformed herself into a war eagle. After this, she transformed into a dove, the symbol of peace. Louhi is a many-layered character, which has multiple shapes. Louhi cannot be considered just as the enemy of the Kalevala’s male heroes. When they face Louhi, they meet a lot of challenges which helps them to grow and learn. The Queen of North may not only be a symbol for a physical location, but it is a symbol for the darker side of the human mind, which we need to accept to become whole. Nowadays Louhi continues to be the symbol of a sovereign woman leader and holistic economy and can be seen in Eco finance forums, Grandmother and Wise woman arenas and with feminine technology innovations. In Finland, we call for Louhi power when we need to solve problems. Väinämöinen – The Wise Man and a Magi Väinämöinen is the first-born human being, the son of Ilmatar, the Goddess of Wind and Water. He was old already when he was born having waited for his birth in the womb for 30 years. His name means Veen Emonen = Mother Water. Väinämöinen is a shaman with many skills. He is a rune singer and when he plays Kantele, the Finnish national instrument, the whole nature deva kingdom comes to listen. Even though Väinämöinen was once human, he is a greatly respected hero and subject of worship. You can find him in the legends of Kalevala performing many brave tasks like bringing Sampo back. Sampo is a magical artifact that brings good fortune to its holder. It was broken into pieces in a battle of its ownership and the pieces fell into waters. (Metaphorically in our Emotional body). Sampo has a reference to the Excalibur sword or Inka Sun disc legends that also fell into waters due to misuse of power. The prophecy tells that they will rise when the time is right. In the end of the Kalevala epic Väinämöinen makes a promise to return when we have no Sun, no Moon and no joy of living. And that he will help us to gather the crumbs of Sampo to build a new one that will bring wellbeing to all once again. Many stories about Väinömäinen have teaching for us. They teach us to avoid harmful things and actions. His teaching has been told to children for centuries to teach them about the world and guiding us with our lives. Nowadays he works as the Finnish National deva and as Father Christmas at Christmas time when he takes up the work as the spirit of Santa. He has the ability to connect to our Inner child.



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