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Superfashion to support women rise

From Cinderellas to Superwoman!

IAMMAI Superfashion is a new paradigm feminine fashion.

Shift of fashion

Fashion is in a deep transition. As the old patriarchal systems is outlived, we women are challenged to build the new world where there is space for us. But how can the present fast fashion industry support this women rise if it is based on expoitation and subordination of women themselves and nature on maximization of profits or beauty modes that are shattering women's self-esteem.? If the model women is tall and slim and the clothes look good on only them? That does not improve anybody´s real self-esteem. Most women do not fit he standard size measurements anyhow.

Of course, there is another way. As a fashion designer I have been able to react and be the changemaker. For new courageous views that support fashion diversity, there is an order. I have created one size fashion to fit most sizes and fashion that makes women feel and see and love themenselves beautiful as they are.

This is all based on my own experience as I have also searched the way out of the box.

IAMMAI Superfashion

Finnish fashion designer Mai Niemi (B.A. Hons and ESOF fengshui fashion consultant) has taken new and revolutionary approach into fashion with the comprehensive and multi-dimensional IAMMAI concept. It acts as a water divider that challenges the uniforming and dualistic fashion by providing unity and commonality as human clothing and stories that naturally can be identified.

Future Memory

Mai Niemi combines ancient as well as contemporary science and biophysics, promoting the well-being of the body, mind and spirit, taking the ethno-futuristic step into the future, to a time when we utilize simple and organic know-how for the overall wellbeing of the individual and the environment in clothing design and manufacturing.

IAMMAI formulas

Mai Niemi has cast out norm patterns and standard measurements in her design and instead uses universal geometric shapes, from which our bodies and all matter originally is formed and communicates with.

This provides coherence between the garment and the body. Blueprints of the garment patterns follow these initial forms on atomic levels. Clothes are one size that can fit most people. They are mobile, alive and body-caring and divinely feminine.

These garments do not only dress physical essence, but also our emotional and spiritual essence in a holistic way.

The Magic Wardrobe

IAMMAI fashion consists of different mutually supporting elements. It is trendy and yet timelessly suitable for all ages. One garment covers the needs of a wearer in a variety of situations, events and seasons. A garment or accessorie works by itself or in combination together, renewing or recycling the existing clothes and wardrobe. They are perfect travelling companions.

Less is though more and the stress associated with clothing choices decreases. Likewise, the load on the environment as the IAMMAI garment lasts time and use.

Fashion should also be fun. Mai Magic Wadrobe transforms also into roleplay and fantasy styles. That's how our inner little girl gets the attention and the fun she needs for her wellbeing.

IAMMAI fashion theraphy

IAMMAI is also a fashion therapy that activates body awareness and communication with a new powerful womanhood. IAMMAI Fashion Therapy is also a Mai´s Magic Wardrobe service.

Mai Niemi fashion brand is Mai Niemi Finnish Fairytale. It is a tool to help you live your fairytale life and transform from Cinderella to a Superwoman..


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