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Vesáa Rjse


Ostan Mai Niemi Fairytale -tuotteita, koska niissä on tietty elementti, joka seuraa näitä tuotteita kaulassa, ranteessa, hartioissa, hiuksissa ja päässä. Minulle nämä elementit asettavat minut "viehätyksen" tilaan, joka on samanlainen kuin miltä minusta tuntuu, kun kävelen metsässä kauniina syysiltana, jolloin värikäs ruska lumoaa henkeäni.

Olen elämässäni aina etsinyt tätä hurmaa, olipa kyse sitten asuinalueesta tai ravintolan tunnelmasta, jossa päätän syödä. Tämä on kuitenkin ensimmäinen kerta, kun löydän vaatteita, jotka antavat minulle sen viehätyksen, jota etsin kaikilta elämäni alueilta. Uskon, että tämä johtuu Main kyvystä välittää nämä metsän herkät nyanssit ja energiat jokaiseen kudelmaansa, kauniiden luomustensa  kautta.

Miehen kokemuksena en siis valitse Main tuotteita sen perusteella, onko ne suunniteltu miehille vai naisille, vaan valitsen ne sen vuoksi, miltä ne minusta tuntuvat ja millä viehätysvoimalla ne ympäröivät minua. Jos voin antaa neuvoja Mai Niemi Fairytalen miesasiakkaille, valitse setuote, joka puhuttelee sinua, joka antaa sinulle sen maagisen kipinän, riippumatta siitä, kuinka tavalliselta tai epätyypilliseltä se muiden mielestä näyttää. Tiedät sen kuinka valitset, kun kokeilet tuotetta ja annat sisäisten tunteidesi ohjata sinua.

Suosikkituotteeni, jotka antavat minulle viehätyksen, ovat "City Shamaani Köynnös", "Heimo riipus" ja "City Shamaani heimoke". Ja en malta odottaa, että pääsen kokeilemaan muita. Ostin ne suoraan Mai Niemi Fairytale Shopista Helsingistä. Löydät ne myös osoitteesta



Global Blue Mai Niemi designista 2012


MAI NIEMI - Suomen satu - MAI NIEMI – Finnish Fairytale

Syvistä metsistä ja sinisistä järvistä, Joulupukin mökistä Suomen vanhoihin jumalattariin, Mai Niemen muotoilu kertoo pohjoismaisen luonnon tarinoita. Main muotoilu on ajaton ja nykyaikainen, se ei vain seuraa mitään trendejä, vaan valitsee sen sijaan keskittyä käyttäjän luovuuteen.

Mai Niemi käyttää laadukkaita materiaaleja kehittäen viehättäviä vaatteita ja asusteita, ja hänen huolellisesti valmistetut neuleensa ja asusteensa siivittävät matkaa Suomen maagiseen maailmaan.

Olipa kerran:

Sadut ovat pitkään kuuluneet Skandinavian psyykeen, jota ei ole mitenkään vähäisessä määrin innoittanut Suomen ja muiden Pohjoismaiden luonto. Ja vaikka niiden taika on voinut hiipua 21. vuosisadalla, monta elämäntapataiteilijaa ja nykyajan muotisuunnittelijaa pitävät näitä tarinoita elossa.

”Suomi on maaginen maa, jossa on tuhansia järviä. Luonto on aina lähellä, ja suomalaiset taiteilijat ovat aina saaneet inspiraationsa sen kauneudesta ”, sanoo Mai Niemi, muotimerkin taiteilijan taiteilija. ”Luonnonhenkien maailma on minulle suuri inspiraation lähde. Suomalainen mytologia liittyy toisiinsa viikingien ja kelttien sekä skandinaavisten saagojen kanssa. Maamme kulttuuritarinaa kertoo jopa J.R.R. Tolkien, Sormusten Herran tarioiden isä. ”Mai Niemen suunnittelussa on helppo nähdä jotain eteeristä, Tolkien haltiamaisuutta.

Opiskeltuaan mutoisuunnittelijaksi Lontoon Central St.Martinissa, hän palasi Helsinkiin ja veisti uraa loihtien  hauskoja, virtaavaa ja naisellista vaatteita, jotka kumpusivat Pohjoisemaisesta perinteestä. Monimutkaiset punokset ja helmityöt, hapsureunat ja luonnonelementit, ovat mukana suunnittelemissa luomuksissaan.

”Keijut haluavat tanssia, liikkua, leikkiä ja tietysti pukeutua”, hän sanoo hymyillen viitaten metsien nympfeihin, joiden inspiroimat luomukset hän debytoi tänä syksynä / talvella. "Haluaisin ajatella, että se mitä teen, on myös eräänlainen roolipelimuoto fantasioiden ilmaisemiseksi."

Mai Niemi yhdistää malleissaan taidetta, muotia, feng shuita, globaaleja ja paikallisia myyttejä, keiju maailman fantasiaa, hyvinvointia, luontoyhteyttä ja roolipelejä. Mai Niemen modernin ja ajattoman muotoilun inspiraation takana on suomalais-ugrilaiset heimot ja suomalainen eepos Kalevala. Hänen paikallinen muotinsa on maailmanlaajuinen tarina, joka innostaa ihmisiä ympäri maailmaa.


ISSUU: Henkis

Mai Niemen henkinen muoti



EUNIQUE arts & carfts design fair bulletin Mai Niemi

Fashion with Nordic flair


For Mai Niemi, 2012 is a very special year. She has now been designing Finnish fashion for 25 years. Her creations succeed in being both timeless and contemporary. This sounds like a contradiction, but it's really not. Niemi just doesn't follow any trends in her designs, and chooses instead to focus on the creativity of the wearer. The concept followed by this Finnish designer is amazingly simple. Mai Niemi uses high-quality materials to develop her charming items of clothing and accessories.


Her laboriously produced ponchos and shawls are real eye-catchers. But that's not all. No woman is required to drop a few pounds in order to be able to wear Mai Niemi's designs, or to perhaps wish for a bit more in some places. After all, fashion should fit the woman, not the other way round. That sounds almost too good to be true but this designer knows what she's talking about. Like many other women, she herself, with her rather petite figure, doesn't match the standard clothes sizes. Mai Niemi decided to make a virtue out of necessity and started creating her own, very individual line of clothing.


The items produced by this designer take the wearer on a journey that, in the case of the Amazon Blanket, may even transport her as far as the Amazonian rainforest. But Mai Niemi doesn't only draw her inspiration from landscapes. A look back at history and the world of fables in particular also provides great stimulus. As for many Finns, the Kalevala also plays a significant role in Mai Niemi's work. This Finnish national epic poem, based on the verbal tradition of myths and heroic sagas, is heavily influenced by nature cults.


For Mai Niemi, these are not merely the stories of her ancestors. On the contrary, she is able to derive something from them for use in her own trade. The notion of sustainability is of central importance in her fashion. Less is more, that's her motto. In her designs, she doesn't just set great store by a high-value product. Rather she invites her customers to combine items in their own existing wardrobe with items from her collection. In this way, this Finn's creations can be seen as an invitation to her customers to themselves be creatively active and thus develop their own fashion line, timeless and yet contemporary.



Adventures in Arctic Lapland

Celia Fenn

Starchildglobal, Cape Town South Africa



Featured Designer : MAI NIEMI and Finnish Fairytale.

Those of you who have met me will probably remember that I love beautiful clothes. It runs in my grandmother was a dressmaker and my sister began her career as a Fashion designer. My mother taught us both to sew when we were young, and I made my own clothes until I was in my twenties. Now, as I travel the World, it is always a delight to buy beautiful clothes in exotic places!

However, recently there have been such huge shifts in the Planetary Energies and Consciousness, that Clothing and what we wear has become a part of the changes. Speaking for myself, I am wanting to wear clothes that expresses the frequencies of the New Consciousness, in Color, Style, Fabrics and Ethical qualities.

That means clothing that is created with Love and Passion from Materials that are ethically sourced and are often hand made. And sometimes...even making your own! I do...and it can be fun!

The Joy is in putting together a look that reflects Who You Are and what you feel, and not what the Fashion Industry dictates. I don't know about you, but I guess I am tired of trying to be thin and look twenty, wearing mass produced clothes made in China that look good on anorexic teenagers only and are also produced in non-ethical circumstances, often in sweat shops and with child labor. I want clothes that are Individual and beautiful, that allow me to feel like what I am - a middle aged woman - but yet still to express the Divine Feminine Goddess within. Of course, these beautiful clothes can be worn by women of all ages to express their Inner Goddess.

The Concept for "New Earth Soul" clothing is Beautiful Garments and Styles for women of all ages. The Clothes bring out the essential Feminine energy of Beauty - and every Woman is Beautiful in her own way regardless of her age and size.

So, with this in mind, I have been using my working trips abroad to source clothing, designers and connections, that reflect the Energy of the New Earth Soul, and sharing this with You!

Have fun with me and discover the Divine Feminine Goddess within that can be expressed by what you choose to wear. The Indigenous Peoples of the Earth all know that "dressing up" is Sacred and reflects Divinity. So...I like to "dress up" every day and let my Inner Divinity shine through.


While I was in Finland, I had the pleasure of working with Finnish designer Mai Niemi, whose clothes and fashion ethic are a reflection of the New Earth energies. Mai's clothing line, called "Finnish Fairytale", is a reflection of her Joy and Enthusiasm for life. It is filled with the Magical energy of the Finnish Forest fairies...and also the energy of the Divine Feminine.



Michelle Karen

Los Angeles, USA.


I love the colors that Mai Niemi uses and the profound creativity and originality of her collections. I love that she uses only natural fibers and that each piece has a story that continues the ancient Kalevala teachings, bringing them alive in present times, in our modern world.

And that is what is so unique in Mai Niemi's designs: they are not just clothes, they are filled with a spiritual light that connects us with the truth of who we really are.

I always wear her designs when doing shamanic ceremonies, not only because they are incredibly beautiful and flattering, but also because they help me shape shift. They make me become the trees of the Finnish forrest. They enable me to communicate with the earth spirits. They share with me the wisdom of the Ancient Ones. I can feel the depth of my own Finnish roots and the magic and power they convey to my own work. In Mai Niemi's clothes I feel that nothing is impossible.

She is the fairy who weaves for us the clothes –the keys-- to become urban shamans, magicians, creating the world we wish for into being.

Michelle Karén, M.A., D.F. Astrol.S.
Astrologer to the Stars in Hollywood
at the 78th Academy Awards,
International conference speaker, Shaman
Author of Astrology For Enlightenment
(Simon & Schuster, NY)
Los Angeles, CA



 Jaana Huitti


"Mai, you design and implement the stunning knitwear and accessories for women ..

They make a woman to open to her real womanhood and natural radiation.

Your fashion offers men the chance to see the true beauty of a woman, as the earths power,
warmth and softness of your creations is also conveyed to them.

When a woman radiates, it opens the man's real strength.

So beautiful is the joy of your garmets for everyone."




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